Project ALIVE to LEAD

Activating Leadership Initiatives through Values Education
Increase youth leadership
Promote humanistic values
Develop positive attitudes
Promote self- lead programmes
Create social programs
Create leadership workshops
Provide leadership literacy
Become active citizens
Exchange culture
Discover new teaching methods
Cooperate with european students
Aim of the project
We believe that running a youth leadership development training with our students, we will be
contributing for them to be skillful citizens in The European Union. In doing so, we will be developing
young adults that have been trained bearing in mind all values that are embodied in a good
leadership, such as accountability, positive behavior, responsibility,having exceptional
communication skills, being a good listener, besides being honest and wise. We have realized that if
we want to lead our communities into a prosperous future, we will need to make them aware that
intellectual, interpersonal, and ethical skills are very important for their future life as workers and as
human being living a society. We want to build in our students the wish to take initiative and fight
against phenomena such as bullying, early school leaving and social exclusion.The European
community will benefit greatly from this because it will have young individuals who are self-lead and
are aware of the importance of leading their communities into prosperous members of the European
community. Most importantly, our young adults will provide the European Union with creativity,
resilience and initiative in leading programs that will shape the way our communities are valued.
There will be a direct focus on leadership skills, on human qualities that are essential to lead our
youngsters towards innovation and social change, giving them positive outcomes in the public eye.